2022年12月25日 星期日

Sleep is your superpower

Let me know the importance of sleep, not only after studying, but also before studying. If there is not enough sleep, there will be learning disabilities, and the hippocampus cannot store information as well as a memory folder.

If you sleep well and get enough sleep, you can live a long life. If you sleep too little, it will turn into other diseases and return to your body in the future. I have also mastered two conditions. It is the temperature, and it is better to fall asleep if the weather is cool.

2022年12月17日 星期六

The first 20 hours – how to learn anything

I got to learn a new thing in four steps. 

1. Deconstruct the skill

2. Learn enough to self-correct

3. Remove practice bars

4. Practice at least 20 hours

But I think the most important thing is to have the motivation to persevere, otherwise everything will come to naught. I hope to use these four steps to learn new things in the future.